Frequently asked questions
Here is a great link to ‘snake discovery’ YouTube channel. Although this is an American site, the videos are very informative, about caring for and interacting with our scarey friends.
Do I Need a Licence to Keep Reptiles and where do I get one from?
Licences/permits are required to keep and trade native reptiles & amphibians in all states. Each state has it’s own permit system & these differ greatly. Exotic animals are illegal to keep. Click here for licencing links all states.
Are Snakes Easy Pets to Keep? Snakes are amongst the easiest and most interesting pets to keep. All that is needed to get started is a suitable enclosure a heat source, water bowl and hide. Snakes don’t need to be fed regularly and can be left at home when you go away.
Are Lizards Easy Pets to Keep? Lizards, especially bearded dragons, make interesting and entertaining pets. While a bit more time and effort is needed to initially setup their enclosure, as well as feeding and care, they will reward you with their personality and beautiful nature. For a bearded dragon, the basic setup includes a suitable enclosure, heat source, UV lighting, water bowl and enclosure furniture.
Where's the best place to find Information on Keeping Reptiles? The best place to start is your local Herpetological society. Here you can talk to experienced reptile keepers and meet other like minded people. Click here for your local Herp society links. Contact reptile breeders. They should be willing to talk to you about keeping different species, what setups they use and where to find all the equipment you need. Reptile forums can be a source of information but don’t use these as your primary source, always check with a knowledgeable person before adopting any advice. There are also many good books on keeping and breeding reptiles. These should be available in your local pet shop & online.
Can I Purchase Reptiles from other States? Yes, most states will allow you to import & export reptiles. You will need to check your states regulations and what permits are required. These licencing links should point you in the right direction.
Freighting Reptiles....where do I start? Freighting reptiles either interstate or within your state isn’t that hard. It’s usually just a trip to the airport to drop the reptile onto the next flight. The main carrier company for interstate airfreight is QANTAS Freight, they will deliver to most large airports same day. Depending on the species of reptile, some courier companies and pet transport companies such as ‘Dogmovers’ will deliver by road overnight.